
Let's challenge the status quo.

We believe that making buildings easier to control, operate, and understand inherently empowers them to be more sustainable and conserve our natural resources.

Welcome to Counterbalance - a startup born out of an unwavering passion for buildings, people, and the environment.  

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by how buildings shape our lives and communities. They can inspire and uplift us, create connections between people and place, and transform our world for the better. However, they are also responsible for a staggering amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the climate crisis that threatens our very existence on this planet.

The urgency of the climate crisis demands immediate action, and the built environment is a critical frontier in the fight for a better future.

Join us as we cultivate a built environment that is more sustainable, resilient, and equitable for all. Together, we can create a better future for everyone.


Our Values

Our values steer our work. Together, we can create a better future for everyone.



Respect, kindness, and admiration for everyone.




Follow your gut and do what you believe is right. 

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.



Push the limits and question the boundaries.

It’s always more fun outside the box.



Your unique perspectives create meaningful impact.

Just be you.



Always make time for the things that spark joy. 

Life is too short.

Our People

Meet the awesome team behind Counterbalance. Join us as we cultivate a built world that is more sustainable, resilient, and equitable for all.


Collaborate. Innovate. Revolutionize. Together, we can pave the way for a greener tomorrow.

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